I never really understood the point of having a baby bag or a changing bag (or whatever you want to call it). As a bloke, I just thought you put nappies and a mat in a normal bag and boom, you were done. Of course, there’s no unwritten parenting law about doing this, but if like me, you refused to believe you needed a fit-for-purpose bag for you baby’s gear, you’ll have learnt that things get complicated. Before having a baby, I never thought I’d be assessing the functionality of a bag…alas, things have changed.


Practicality is a parent’s best friend and there have been a number of shit-uations where having a decent bag has saved me the embarrassment of looking like a rookie. But style and practicality don’t always go hand in hand, that’s why when my wife showed me the Tiba and Marl bags, I was pretty surprised. Most baby bags are designed and styled for women. I don’t mean to say that in a sweeping statement kind of way, but it’s true. It’s not the case with Tiba + Marl though. Their bags are subtle and unisex – they aren’t gender specific and it’s so refreshing to see a bag that isn’t just an over the arm number.


Admittedly, I’m not fashion guru, but the first and most striking thing about the range T + M offer is the sheer style. Their bags are a fusion of simplicity and complexity that you can’t quite appreciate until you have one in front of you. The attention to detail is clear from the outset and the functionality of their bags is second to none. We have an Elwood, the Tiba and Marl signature bag. Again, I’m not exactly certified in bag critiquing, but the zippers, the seams and material all scream style and sophistication, and I don’t just mean visually. You can zip the bag up one handed while you try to restrain your unnaturally hyper-active child from rolling off the changing table; you can put enough weight in the bag to supply a small army for a day without worrying it’ll break and you can still look decent while you wing parenthood. Win.


It’s not just about the product though; for me it’s also about what’s behind the product. The brand Tiba + Marl was created in 2015 by London duo, Anna Tizard and Lydia Barron. Anna was a former Bag Buyer for Urban Outfitters and Topshop, and Lydia, a Footwear and Accessories Designer for Kurt Geiger and Sigerson Morrison; clearly impressive credentials which have evidently influenced their bag range. Tiba + Marl’s contemporary collection of bags redefines the staid tradition of baby changing bags by combining modern graphic prints, premium and high tech materials, and stylish but practical design. In a pretty saturated market, Tiba and Marl bags really stand out.


As a reformed bag-hater, I will happily say that I’m a changed man and I have to thank Tiba and Marl for the help with my rehabilitation. Check them out.